Monday, July 23, 2007

Harry Potter Craze!!

This past weekend was a ton of fun! Friday night, we planned on going camping at Chester Wood park..well, the campsite was all full so we just decided to go fishing and BBQ our dinner over the campfire. Anyway, everyone has been raving about how great this place was and how you always caught fish. Unfortunately, we didn't catch anything....:( We've decided that we must not be using the right type of bait. Nevertheless, we still had a great time.

Since we didn't camp, Andy suggessted we go get the final book of Harry Potter! I was excited! I had wanted to pre-order it online so I would get a copy for sure, but Andy wouldn't let me. I was thinking that he had bought it for me...but, I didn't see the charges on his credit card (I always check our accounts to make sure nothing funky appeared) so I thought I was wrong.

Anyway, we went to Barnes and Noble to check it out...there were quite a few people there. And I decided that I didn't want to wait in line too long...I didn't have a reserved book so I would have been near the, we left. But then I decided to go to WalMart. Whenever we're at WalMart, we always spend at least an hour there. So I thought it would be perfect! Andy got really frustrated and finally he said, "Fine! I reserved you a book already! You don't need to wait in line for so long!" It was funny!! I figured something was up since he wouldn't let me get the book online..but I didn't see any charges so I wasn't sure. So, to make the long story short, we waited in Barnes and Noble for about 1 1/2 hours...near the end, the Whetten's showed up. They had also reserved a copy of the book. We chatted for a bit and finally we got our books! YIPPEE! We've been busy doing other things, so I haven't finished it yet..but I'm getting close. I would have finished it last night, but since we had to work today, Andy wouldn't let me stay I'm planning on finishing it tonight! Hopefully I'll like how it ends. :)


dots said...

Way to go ANDY!! You could always go online and read a summary!!

Allison said...

I'm still only half way through #6 (just re-reading it so I remember where things left off!) so I'm not too mad that my preordered book STILL hasn't arrived! Argh! I want MY BOOK!!!