Monday, September 24, 2007

London Day 4

It was raining this morning when we woke up so we were bummed. We wanted to watch the changing of the guards at the Buckingham Palace, but it might get canceled when it rained. Luckily, the weather turned. It was really nice around 10:30 am so we were able to see the show. It was pretty cool...there were tons of people there and I thought it was just neat to see the red uniforms with the black fuzzy hats. :)

Afterwards, we went to the British Museum. it was huge! We only had 2 hours to spend so we didn't get to read all the facts, but it was amazing to see all the artifacts they had! It was filled with tons of things. One of my favorites was seeing a Japanese samurai outfit.

From there, we wandered to St. Paul's cathedral. We weren't able to tour inside because they had closed but it was beautiful. After taking a few pictures, we walked over to the Museum of London. Here, we learned a bit about the history of London. It was pretty interesting.

By the end of the day, our feet were killing us! We had basically walked all of London the past 4 days. So, we went and grabbed dinner at China town again; then made our way home to relax.

Anyway, tomorrow we're off to Paris. That will be quite the adventure since we don't speak the language and our hotel is not right next to a metro station....but it'll be tons of fun. I'm really excited.


Anonymous said...

yeah, somehow i missed the plans for this trip too. i vaguely recall the word europe once, but the only month attached was january. i thought :(
sounds like you're having a blast though, i'm jealous. have fun!

Jess Perry said...

Man, you two are a traveling pair. Can't wait to hear all about Paris. I love Europe!

Lynn said...

so I this london trip just a vacation or what? how long will you be there for?

Tanya Sio said...

This trip was just for vacation...we were there in Europe for 10 days. :) Good to be home though.