Saturday was a good day. We finally could sleep in without worrying being late at school. I finally got the time to do some of the projects around the house. I have been wanting to change the wheel cylinder in my car's rear break. I have done my research and asked my people including my brother-in-laws (they are very good in fixing car). It shouldn't be a big project. It will take a professional mechanic an hour to do it. I was planning to do it in 4 hours. I guess things would never turn on the ways that you want. It took me a about two hours to replace the wheel cylinder in one side. That was not too bad. Until I needed to bleed the brake system, things just started to turn south.
The idea of bleeding the brake system was to pump your brake and drive out all the air in the brake system through the bleeding valve in the wheel cylinder. However, for some odd reason, the brake fluid was shooting out from the wheel cylinder inside. I didn't think it would do it. In fact, that was the reason why I replaced the old wheel cylinder. Anyway, it took me another 2 hours trying to figure out how to fix this mess. Since we only have one car, anything happened to this car would lead us not able to go anywhere. I started to think about a back out strategy and worst case scenario. I guess we could call someone to tow our car, rent a car, or ride the bike to go to work.
At this moment, Tanya happened to talk to her friend and learned that her friend's husband knew quite a bit of fixing car, and they said that they would come to help. Great. Although I believe my abilities to fix the car eventually, it's always good to someone know what they do to teach you.
Anyway, three hours later, we finally replaced both side wheel cylinders. Later, we went out to eat. I was glad that the Thompsons could help us in this, and Mike said that he had a good time to do it because he liked to fix car. One thing I forget, I need to thank my home teacher Andrew for giving me a ride to get some tool earlier on that day.
1 comment:
Way to give it a try Andy!! Never hurts to have a friend who knows what they are doing too...wish you lived closer then Mike could have helped as well...
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