Friday, November 23, 2007

Tradition Continues

We didn't think we would participate in Black Friday this year, but we had to keep up with the tradition. However, this year we went to Staples because they had 2 items that we thought would be nice to have...a shredder and an executive chair (Andy's chair is broken and we've been thinking about getting a new one). Anyway, the items were well priced so we decided to go for it. We decided we weren't going to camp out too early so we woke up at 5 am and got there around 5:30 am. Luckily, the line wasn't too long and we didn't think our items would be too popular.

Everything was going pretty smoothly until we got inside. Staples had ticketed all items on the front and back page so that meant we needed to get tickets. Well, apparently they didn't start early enough because they stopped handing them out about 15 people before us. So, we all assumed it would be first come first serve for the rest of the items. We get into the store and the manager says to follow the line. It would wrap around the store to the front again and they'd finish handing out the tickets. So, I stand in line while Andy is out looking at stuff. Probably about 20 minutes later, we hear that the line was going the other way. Boy did that get people upset. So, I'm talking to the lady next to me in line and I decide to go figure out what's going on. Apparently, an employee had miscommunicated information and started another line. So the manager then tries to fix it by starting a new line. Well, the line we were in was also a cashier line so it was moving very very slow. So, I go up to the front again just to see if I could get tickets for the items we wanted. Luckily, the manager was nice enough and gave me the tickets. So, I just had to wait in line to grab my stuff. I also helped the lady I was with to get 2 of her items. Luckily I did because they ran out of the item she really wanted about 5 minutes after I got the ticket.

Anyway, about another 30 minutes goes by and I'm still waiting. The line hasn't moved much. I was talking to another girl and she really wanted the garmin gps system. We heard they were out but thought maybe it was just certain brands. The annoucement wasn't very clear. I guess she didn't want to go ask because of the angry customers so I said I would go ask for her. One guy was getting upset so I ended up asking him the question -- hoping he would have heard the annoucement better than we did. Well, it ended up that there was one left so I grabbed it. The girl was pretty happy. It was fun to be able to help those people out. :)

A few minutes later, there's another line that's formed to just grab your items. So I grab the stuff and join Andy in the cashier's line. We finally leave the store around 7:25 am. Then our next challenge....getting the chair into our little civic. The box was too big and it just wasn't going in. Finally, I suggesst opening the box and just take the items out. Luckily it worked and we finally leave. I dropped Andy off at the bus stop and dropped our stuff off at home before heading to work.

Overall, it was a very crazy morning but it was still fun. Luckily we weren't out in the cold for too long.


Jess Perry said...

We went out and did a little shopping too. But not much, because black friday fell on our anniversary this year. So we did shopping in between the other stuff we had planned!

the boogeyman's wife said...

and that's why i'd always want tanya with me if i had to go shopping for anything, but especially on crazy days like that :)

Jess Perry said...

Can you do me a favor and send me your address? I am updating my book for Christmas cards.