Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Trip to Nauvoo, IL

One of our first road trips since moving out to Minnesota...good old Nauvoo!! The main reason for this trip was to see the pageant. I was glad that we could go see the Nauvoo Pageant this year. I remember seeing it for the first time when Dorothy and Mike lived in Iowa and I was impressed....that's why I wanted to see it again. So, our new friends - the Massens - came with us to catch the pageant on the last day. It's a new show about the Prophet Joseph Smith and it's in it's second year. The show was amazing and the spirit was very strong. I hope that everyone will eventually have the chance to see it.

The next day, we were able to attend the Temple. The Temple is so beautiful. Also, it's been a while since we have been able to go to the Temple since the St. Paul temple is a mini temple, you have to have your own clothing. Andy's finally came so we jumped at the chance to go. I'm grateful that we had the opportunity. I wish we would have taken advantage of the opportunity when we were in Utah....I've always heard people say to take advantage of the opportunity in Utah, but I guess it didn't really sink in till we got out here. I'm just glad we got to go...and now that Andy has his clothing, we should be able to attend the Temple more often.

I'm grateful for the Temple and for the Prophet Joseph Smith...While in Nauvoo, we also got to see a few demonstrations and visit Carthage Jail. I definitely think that everyone should experience Nauvoo at least once in their life. It's a great place to learn about Church History!

1 comment:

TC said...

Looks like you're having tons of fun! I can't wait to come visit. Sorry I keep missing ya on MSN! It's been a hectic summer:)