Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Donating Blood
Monday, December 25, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
First Anniversary!
Anyway, it was nice to be able to have a free night during the week were we could spend time together. We are also planning on staying up in the city one night...we love exploring so I'm looking forward to that. :)
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
**Camping in November**
Friday, December 01, 2006
Another GREAT Book

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Black Friday - Round 2
The line in front of the store was REALLY long, but luckily, Andy was there early enough to get the big items he wanted...they handed out tickets for the big items. Anyway, as it got closer to 5 am, a new crowd started forming near the doors and everyone literally yelled at them to 'get in line.' Which is wouldn't be fair for them to cut in when people have been waiting all night. Finally the doors open and the madness begins. Everyone rushes to the different areas to grab their items before they're gone. Andy and I and our 2 friends were successful in getting everything we wanted....we had some friends in Provo who had waited in line since 5 pm the day before and they still weren't able to get what they wanted...I felt like we were very lucky. I also think participating in Black Friday is a lot of fun! They definitely have good deals. Who knows, maybe it will become a tradition. :) Luckily, the employee parking ramps at work were open to everyone so we caught a quick nap at home before coming in to work... :)
Well, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I'll post pics up later.
Around 6 ish, we had friends over for a light dinner, had a ballroom dance party, and played sequence. Fun Times! I only wish we could have had family around...I'm looking forward to seeing eveyone when my parents come back from their mission. :)
Friday, November 10, 2006
Winter Is Here!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Busy Busy Busy!!
Andy goes to church at 7:30 am for Bishopric Meetings. A friend picks me up to go to church around 11 and we finish at 2:30. However, we usually don't get to leave church until 3. If Andy has to stay to help with tithing, a catch a ride home or take the car and he won't be home till 4 or 5. Anyway, when we get home, I start preparing dinner around 4:30 so we can eat around 6.
Monday - Friday:
We both work 8-5..but we have to catch the bus at 7:40 am so we're leaving the house by 7:25. Then we catch the 5:10 bus and get home around 5:30. I prepare dinner and we eat around 7 pm. Afterwards, we read Preach my Gospel then we start doing our own stuff...Andy usually working on the computer or homework or his church calling. Andy his currently trying to setup Linux on Dad's old computer and turn it into a TIVO so we can record shows. I have decided to scan all my pictures so we can have a digital copy of them...let's just say that it will take a while to took me over an hour to scan about 80 pics and that's only a third of a we'll see how it goes.
Andy is in class from 9am - 3:30 pm and I am usually running errands, doing grocery shopping, or cleaning house.
Additional activities during the week are as follows:
Andy tries to play basketball from 8:30-10 pm. But if he is working on his computer, he may or may not make it.
The first Tuesday of the month is Recipe group for me from 7 - 8:30ish's a ton of fun and I love getting new receipes!
I have Cub Scouts from 7-8 and Andy has a bishopric meeting from 7:30-10:30 or 11 pm..depending on how much they need to discuss.
I have a Round Table meeting for Cub Scouts the first Thursday of each month from 7 - 8:30 pm. At these meetings, we discuss the theme for the following month and they give us ideas on what we can do at Pack meetings or during Den meetings...they're fun and helpful.
The fourth Thursday of the month is Book Club from 7 - 8:30 pm. It's fun to actually read some good books and discuss them with other people.
On top of those activities, we also have monthly activities of Gourmet Club ...(which usually is a Friday or Saturday night..just depends on when the others can meet)...home teaching...visiting teaching...and attempt to attend the temple at least once. We also like hanging out with friends during the week or weekends...
Anyway, that's our life in a nutshell...we're having tons of fun out here..but we still miss family and friends. Hopefully we'll be able to see them soon.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
~Andy's Birthday Party~
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For dinner we had Hawaiian Haystacks. It was yummy!! I LOVE Hawaiian Haystacks. But, while we were waiting for it to finish cooking, we played a small game to surprise Chris...his birthday was last Thursday but he had strep his wife had asked us to include him in the I agreed...of course, that meant we had to do something to him as well. So we played a game called 'koochi koochi koo.' What you do is sit in a circle and pinch your neighbor's cheeks several times while you say koochi koochi koo...the goal is for that person to not laugh...but, there is one person who will put lipstick on his or her figures to get it on your face without your that's what we did. The outcome was awesome!! He didn't expect it at all!
Anyway, we all had a great day and I'm glad I could surprise my husband...he totally didn't expect it. :) If you want to see some more pics, Andy has posted them in his online web album.
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Saturday, September 23, 2006
Key Lime Pie!!
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Friday, September 15, 2006
Joining Special Interest Groups
Since moving here to Rochester, I've gotten to know several of the members by joining groups. When I first got here, I joined the recipe group. Each month, 3 or 4 sisters are in charge of the group. They choose a theme and they prepare the dishes for us to try-basically, it's a dinner because so much food gets prepared. Then we get a copy of the recipes. It's a great way to get recipes and to be able to try new things. This month will be a Halloween theme. I'm excited to see what types of food they will have. :)
Last month, I joined the book club and we read a book called The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck. I guess several people were required to read this book in high school..but I had never heard of it.
Pearl Buck offers a view of China during the reign of the last Emporer as seen through the eyes of a honest farmer namd Wang Lung. She does a really good job of taking you through the ups and downs of life that the farmer experiences. I really enjoyed this book...once I started reading it, I didn't want to stop. The book was rich in culture and in history...I also got mad at the main character too because of the choices he was making...I don't want to mention the details because I think it's a book everyone should read... :) This month, we are reading a book called Once Upon a Town. I'll give an update on that when I'm done.
I've also joined the Gourmet Club. Basically, this is the LDS version of an interest group at Mayo Clinic. Basically, you have about 4 couples (those with kids usually leave them at home with a babysitter) assigned to a group and a family will be the host. There's a set menu with the recipe and each couple chooses what they want to make. Then, you decide what day to get together and everyone brings the assigned dish. I thought it sounded like fun. Saturday night will be the first time and I'm in charge of making a Key Lime Pie and --if I dare try-- a French Silk Pie. I'll have to let you know how it goes.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Chicago Trip!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Trip to Nauvoo, IL
The next day, we were able to attend the Temple. The Temple is so beautiful. Also, it's been a while since we have been able to go to the Temple since the St. Paul temple is a mini temple, you have to have your own clothing. Andy's finally came so we jumped at the chance to go. I'm grateful that we had the opportunity. I wish we would have taken advantage of the opportunity when we were in Utah....I've always heard people say to take advantage of the opportunity in Utah, but I guess it didn't really sink in till we got out here. I'm just glad we got to go...and now that Andy has his clothing, we should be able to attend the Temple more often.
I'm grateful for the Temple and for the Prophet Joseph Smith...While in Nauvoo, we also got to see a few demonstrations and visit Carthage Jail. I definitely think that everyone should experience Nauvoo at least once in their life. It's a great place to learn about Church History!
Demolition Derby!
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Tubing and BBQ
Today we had a lot of fun! This afternoon we went tubing down the river with our new friends Chris and Ronnie Voight. We went to a place about 40 minutes away....I believe it was a small German town. Anyway, we managed to rent some tubes and floated down the river. It has been so nice lately that it felt very nice. The trip lasted about an hour. If you have never had the chance to go tubing, I highly recommend it. :)
July 21:
Tonight we had some friends over for a BBQ! Andy and I bought a Weber Baby-Q Gas grill...we had received a gift certificate to Linen's and Things and it was the only thing we wanted. Anyway, it's perfect for grilling and this was our second time using it. I'm proud to say that Andy does a very good job grilling. :) Plus, the grill is very easy to use. Anyway, we had hamburgers, polish dogs, pasta salad, chips, and fruit. Very YUMMY food! The best thing is we got to meet a few new people. We all sat around and was great!